Easy Tricks to Train your Cat

Yes, Dogs are easy to train but did you know that some cats are too?  The most trainable breeds are:  Abyssinian  American Shorthair  Bengal  Japanese Bobtail  Maine Coon  Cat training is a great way to connect with your cat and it can really enhance their quality of life through positive social contact and even teachContinue reading “Easy Tricks to Train your Cat”

Chocolate poisoning in dogs and cats

A sweet treat we all love but did you know it is toxic to your furry pals? Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine which can damage the heart, nervous system, and gut. The darker the chocolate the higher the level of theobromine and the more toxic it can be. While white chocolate is low riskContinue reading “Chocolate poisoning in dogs and cats”

Why Insects are a great alternative for Pets

Did you know that each year companion pets eat around 20% of the planet’s meat and fish reserves and all the while the human population is growing too, how are we going to keep up? Increasingly pet owners are being encouraged by Vets to introduce pets to insect-based diets and according to the British VeterinaryContinue reading “Why Insects are a great alternative for Pets”

Herbs for Pets

Holistic wellness is becoming more and more popular, with people turning to natural supplements to cure and prevent illness and disease. As member of our family’s it would only be natural for us to want to treat our pets in the same way. It is important to remember that pets will react differently from humanContinue reading “Herbs for Pets”

Tail Talk

Cat’s tails are not purely for balance, when tightrope walking, or for getting shut in doors, they are used as a communication tool and can also tell us so much. Tail movements on the other hand are involuntary and controlled by the cat’s nervous system, but they are also a great indicator of how yourContinue reading “Tail Talk”

Insect-Based Pet Food

Humans as well as pets have been consuming insects for many years. A natural part of diet that just happens to have disappeared from western culture. Innovations in pet food are centred around Health and Wellness and what could be better than providing your pet with a well-balanced and complete meal full of protein, fats,Continue reading “Insect-Based Pet Food”

Understanding Pet Food Protein

Top Trends: Novel Protein Source Single Source Protein Protein Allergy Awareness Eithcally Source Protein Meat as the First Ingredinet Protein-Rich Formula What is a Novel Protein & What does it mean? Really simply a Novel Protein is a protein from a source your pet hasn’t encountered before in their diet. For example, if your petContinue reading “Understanding Pet Food Protein”

To the Rescue ❤️️

Did you know that there is currently a homeless animal crisis. The number of pets being given up for rehoming is at an all time high as more and more pet parents as experiencing hardship, losing jobs, losing homes and struggling to pay the bills and feed themsleves let alone look after a fur baby.Continue reading “To the Rescue ❤️️”

Reduce your Carbon Paw Print 🐾

Dining on edible insects instead of cattle or pigs could ease both food insecurity and climate change. It may sound extreme but around 1MT of insects can be grown on just 20 sqm of land in just 14 days. Thats smaller than my small london flat! 1MT of Insects This is the same weight asContinue reading “Reduce your Carbon Paw Print 🐾”

All About Pet Food

This is Bella. My fur baby girl and all round jungle princess. She is a F5 Bengal and a crazy bundle of love, life and intelligence. Have you ever considered what goes into the pet food we spoon into their bowls everyday? No? Well you’re not alone and I am ashamed to say that untilContinue reading “All About Pet Food”

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