Easy Tricks to Train your Cat

Yes, Dogs are easy to train but did you know that some cats are too?  The most trainable breeds are:  Abyssinian  American Shorthair  Bengal  Japanese Bobtail  Maine Coon  Cat training is a great way to connect with your cat and it can really enhance their quality of life through positive social contact and even teachContinue reading “Easy Tricks to Train your Cat”

Dog Gut Health and How to Restore

Just like humans, dogs can also get tummy trouble and it is important to address the symptoms quickly. Your dog’s digestive system is crucial in making sure all the goodness and nutrients are absorbed from the food they eat into the body, to help keep them healthy. Unfortunately, in some cases, dogs can be bornContinue reading “Dog Gut Health and How to Restore”

Why Insects are a great alternative for Pets

Did you know that each year companion pets eat around 20% of the planet’s meat and fish reserves and all the while the human population is growing too, how are we going to keep up? Increasingly pet owners are being encouraged by Vets to introduce pets to insect-based diets and according to the British VeterinaryContinue reading “Why Insects are a great alternative for Pets”

Herbs for Pets

Holistic wellness is becoming more and more popular, with people turning to natural supplements to cure and prevent illness and disease. As member of our family’s it would only be natural for us to want to treat our pets in the same way. It is important to remember that pets will react differently from humanContinue reading “Herbs for Pets”

Tail Talk

Cat’s tails are not purely for balance, when tightrope walking, or for getting shut in doors, they are used as a communication tool and can also tell us so much. Tail movements on the other hand are involuntary and controlled by the cat’s nervous system, but they are also a great indicator of how yourContinue reading “Tail Talk”

Insect-Based Pet Food

Humans as well as pets have been consuming insects for many years. A natural part of diet that just happens to have disappeared from western culture. Innovations in pet food are centred around Health and Wellness and what could be better than providing your pet with a well-balanced and complete meal full of protein, fats,Continue reading “Insect-Based Pet Food”

Cat Birthday Cake Recipe

This week we had Bella’s 1st Birthday! A year has gone so quickly, I can hardly believe it. I wanted to do something extra special for her, as after all, she is my fur baby. I made a quick and easy birthday cake for her out of cupboard ingredients. She is usually super fussy butContinue reading “Cat Birthday Cake Recipe”

A Guide to CPR: Cats and Kittens

CPR is an emergency procedure that you will hopefully never have to use. It is much better to get your pet to the vet before this situation arises but having the knowledge of what to do in an emergency is invaluable. It might not be your cat in need, you may find a stray inContinue reading “A Guide to CPR: Cats and Kittens”

All About Bengals

The Bengal cat breed was first recognised by the  International Cat Association in 1983 thanks to a cat crazy lady called Jean Mill. Jean’s goal was to domesticate a hybrid cat, harnessing the beauty of a wild cat but maintain the temperament of a domestic cat. Throughout history, the Bengal cat breed was engineered byContinue reading “All About Bengals”

Why your dog loves to see you smile

Oxytocin aka the ‘love hormone’ is essential in providing us with warm and fuzzy feelings. It regulates our emotions, is essential for recognition and builds social bonds between us mammals. We release it when we kiss, touch and cuddle and loved one and it turns out our dogs do too! Oxytocin is released in theContinue reading “Why your dog loves to see you smile”

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