Easy Tricks to Train your Cat

Yes, Dogs are easy to train but did you know that some cats are too? 

The most trainable breeds are: 

  • Abyssinian 
  • American Shorthair 
  • Bengal 
  • Japanese Bobtail 
  • Maine Coon 

Cat training is a great way to connect with your cat and it can really enhance their quality of life through positive social contact and even teach them the meaning of a few new words. 

A good way to start training is to pair it with food and fun. Many cats will love it if done properly as cats are motivated on a pay-by-play basis. 

As well as rewarding your cat for natural behaviours and co-operating you can teach them a few fun things too. 

5 tricks you can teach your cat to do: 

  1. Down 

If your cat is up somewhere and you would like them to come down, such as the work-top or the sink, the best way to do this is to say ‘Down’ in a firm voice and treat the positive behaviour. The first few times you will have to pick your cat up and place them on the floor and once all 4 feet are on the floor give them a treat. You may need to repeat this a few times before they get a hang of it but after a while you should be able to say ‘Down’ and give them a treat once you cat gets down itself. 

2. Gentle 

Encourage your cat to see hands as rewards to discourage biting. They best thing to do is to use wet treats such a Lick-e-Lix and dab them on the back of your hands such as knuckles. Encourage your cat or kitten to lick this off your hands and say ‘Gentle’ as they are doing it. Pull away calmly and gently is they begin to nip or bite. 

3. Come 

This is a useful trick and can be used for indoor as well as outdoor cats. Reward good recall behavior to ‘Come’ as well as their name with a favorite treat. 

4. Sit 

Sit is simple as most cats will sit down Infront of you if they want something. Hold a treat out in front of you and say ‘Sit’ until they sit down. Once your cat has got it you can swap out treats for a chin rub or a little attention if are looking to cut down on snacks. 

5. Round 

This one follows on from ‘Sit’. Once ‘Sit’ is solidly in your cat’s repertoire you can begin to keep the treat up once she has sat down and circle it above your cat’s head slowly so they follow it and turns around all while saying ‘Round’. Not essential to learn but just a bit of fun. 

Lessons often require intense focus, so keeping them short, upbeat and regular are the best ways to success. End each training session with some fun to keep your cat on side. 

Bethany 🐾 X 

My pet is choking

Heimlich Maneuver For Dogs: What To Do If My Dog Is Choking | Animal  Emergency Center | Memphis Veterinarian

A choking pet is a common emergency and is typically caused by a foreign object getting stuck in the throat or wrapped around their neck. It may well be a common emergency, but it is still scary, so we have put together some top tips to help keep you calm if this does happen to you.

It is important to remember that choking can be life-threatening so always contact your vet immediately. Quick action is essential particularly if breathing is obstructed.

How to tell if your pet is choking:

  • Gagging or drooling
  • Signs of extreme distress
  • Pawing at their mouth
  • Choking sounds
  • And in extreme cases collapse

While first aid such as the Heimlich Mauver can be used at home but it is essential to get your pet to the vet asap.

What to do when your pet is choking:

  • restrain your pet — choking pets will struggle and potentially bite in their panic
  • carefully use a pair of scissors to cut any object wrapped around the neck
  • open the mouth and look inside
  • use a large pair of tweezers to retrieve or break any objects you can see
  • never push at an object with your fingers if it’s lodged at the back of the throat
  • never stick your fingers down the throat if no object can be seen, as this may cause damage to the delicate tissues at the back of the throat.

Bethany 🐾X

Dog Gut Health and How to Restore

Controlling pet gut health using specialty feed ingredients |  PetfoodIndustry.com

Just like humans, dogs can also get tummy trouble and it is important to address the symptoms quickly. Your dog’s digestive system is crucial in making sure all the goodness and nutrients are absorbed from the food they eat into the body, to help keep them healthy.

Unfortunately, in some cases, dogs can be born with naturally sensitive tums, this condition can pop up at any age unexpectedly so keep an eye out for common signs such as loose stools and flatulence.

As mentioned above, it is important to keep an eye when your dog’s digestive habits so you can be aware of any changes and act fast. Along with genetics there are many common causes such as a change in diet, worms, travel sickness and over-indulgence to name a few.


The classic symptom is of course loose stools but can also be diarrhea, nausea, or sickness as well as excessive wind. Blood in stools, which is alarming, is also a common symptom that you should look out for.

Did you know a stomach upset or a sensitive tum can also start itchy skin? Look out for areas and patches of skin that look red, sore, and dry.

Sometimes when your dog’s tummy is sensitive, they may be put off food and even reluctant to walk so it is always best to be familiar with your pets’ regular habits. One good way to do this is with a food and activity diary. Keeping track of what your dog eats, and regular habits will help you to work out when to have cause for concern.

So, what can you do to help?

Steps to restore a poorly gut:

  1. Avoid Grains
  2. Introduce Pre and Probiotics
  3. Make a batch of Bone Broth to boost gelatin in their diet
  4. Make sure your dogs’ diet is varied and nutritionally complete
  5. Try a raw food diet or investigate novel proteins to reduced allergic reactions
  6. Choose Minimally processed foods natural meals and treats which are homemade.

An external factor that can be hard to manage in dogs but affects the gut no matter the source is Stress. To help keep their anxiety at bay you can try homoeopathic remedies and essential oils such as frankincense, lavender, and chamomile. CBD is also an excellent option for reducing stress.

One important thing to remember is to restore your pup’s gut will take time. So, stay consistent, stay positive and the results will come!

And remember always ask your Vet professional for advice if you are unsure.

Bethany  🐾 X

Chocolate poisoning in dogs and cats

Chocolate Toxicity in Cats and Dogs

A sweet treat we all love but did you know it is toxic to your furry pals?

Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine which can damage the heart, nervous system, and gut. The darker the chocolate the higher the level of theobromine and the more toxic it can be. While white chocolate is low risk because theobromine levels are low, Dark Chocolate, cocoa beans and cocoa powder contain the highest levels and are very high risk. If you suspect your pet has eaten even a small amount of chocolate keep the packaging and call the vet immediately.

What to look out for:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Drinking more than usual
  • Peeing more than usual
  • Being unusually excited and restless
  • Painful stomach area

Chocolate poisoning can progress from any of the above symptoms to being fatal very quickly.

 What to look out for:

  • Fast breathing or panting
  • Shaking or trembling
  • High temperature (fever)
  • Seizures
  • A fast heartbeat
  • In the worst cases, chocolate poisoning can lead to heart failure, coma and even death.


Symptoms can take as little as 2-4 hours or as long as 24 hours to appear.


Your pet must be treated as quickly as possible, if they ingest chocolate, before their body has time to digest it. Treatment will vary depending on what chocolate they eat but could include any of the following treatments:

  • Induced vomiting – if you can get your pet to the vet quickly, your vet may give them an injection to make them sick.
  • Activated charcoal – your vet may then give your pet a charcoal meal to absorb any remaining toxins.
  • A fluid drip – depending on your pet’s condition, they may need a fluid drip to support their vital organs while their body flushes out any toxins.

Remember- What’s yummy for you may be harmful to your pet so always check with your vet before you give them human treats.

Bethany 🐾X

Why Insects are a great alternative for Pets

Most Popular Pets In The UK – Pet Statistics | Petplan

Did you know that each year companion pets eat around 20% of the planet’s meat and fish reserves and all the while the human population is growing too, how are we going to keep up?

Increasingly pet owners are being encouraged by Vets to introduce pets to insect-based diets and according to the British Veterinary Association, Insect rich foods may even be better for your pet than prime steak!

While some of you may have looked into insect-based pet food before but been put off by its high price point, it is important to know that Insect-based pet foods are significantly better for the planet and if they were to become widely adopted by pet owners it could really help cut down carbon emission. Often fed on food waste such as vegetables and restaurant leftovers they are one part of the puzzle when it comes to solving food waste issues.

So, what are the benefits of Insect-based pet food?

Insect-based diets rival meat-based diets in terms of nutritional content. They are often higher, like for like, in protein than beef or chicken and are rich in fats, minerals and essential vitamins. They even contain Taurine which is essential for Cats and Glucosamine which is essential for dogs which is a huge benefit.

Insect-based food is not only easy for pets to digest but it is also great for sensitive tums as they are novel proteins and the chance that your pet is allergic already is low, so a great hypoallergenic substitute.

Although eating insects may sound gross to humans, eating insects is normal for pets. Think about all the spiders your cat’s hunts, kills, and devours!

My suggestion would be to watch this space. Many brands are making their way into the mainstream with Insect-based pet food offerings – Mars Petcare have even launched their disruptor brand LOVEBUG.

Great for your pet and great for the planet too – what’s not to love.

Bethany 🐾X

P.S If you are thinking about changing your pets diet it is always best to speak to your vet first.

Also if your pet is allergic to shellfish it is highly likely they will be allergic to Insects too!!

Bug Protein Pizza Dough

The Best Pizza Dough Recipe: How to Make It | Taste of Home

Everyone loves pizza so why not make it protein-packed, nutritious, and sustainable too.

We would love to hear what you think if you make this recipe❤️️


400g Plain Flour

7g of Fast Action Yeast

1 tsp Salt

1 tsp Sugar

50g of Cricket Protein

2 tbs Olive oil

215ml Lukewarm water


  1. Preheat oven to 200c (fan)
  2. Mix all of the dry ingredients until combined. Make a well in the centre and add in the water and olive oil.
  3. Mix to combine and turn out onto a floured surface to knead for about 1-2 min or until the dough has come together. This part can also be done in a food mixer if you have one.
  4. Put your dough back into a bowl, cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for about an hour. I actually put mine in the microwave to sit for an hour and it works well.
  5. When ready, line 2 baking trays with greaseproof paper and divide your dough into two.
  6. Place each dough ball onto a baking tray and stretch and pull until it is about 1cm thick and the size you like.
  7. All you need to do now is top with your favourite toppings and bake for 15-17mins.
  8. When cooked, slice and enjoy.

Bethany 🐾 X

Herbs for Pets

Herbs for pets | Nature's Pathways

Holistic wellness is becoming more and more popular, with people turning to natural supplements to cure and prevent illness and disease. As member of our family’s it would only be natural for us to want to treat our pets in the same way.

It is important to remember that pets will react differently from human with herbs and plant supplements, and something that may heal you could even make your pet sicker. Some herbs and plant extract can be toxic to pets

Always speak to a vet regarding natural and herbal remedies to help alleviate any medial or even behavioral problems your pet may have.

Herbs and natural remedies can be used for a wide variety of pet aliments. From old age and flea to skin problems.  There are also may ways to provide them. Fresh or dried is best and you can sprinkle on their food, place into water to make an infusion, topical use on the skin and can also placed into capsules or treats for easy application.

Below is a list of herbs suitable for most cats and dogs as well as the most suited application, but it is always best to check with your vet first regarding your specific pet

Herbs for Pets

  • Alfalfa (Food) – Helps to alleviate arthritic pain and cardiovascular issues. When combined with Yucca it can help to reduce the smell of feces and urine.

  • Aloe (Skin) – Helps to reduce the itching and inflammation caused by insect bites and fleas. Can also be used to treat rashes and swelling as well as inflammation from minor burns. Its is best to apply when your pet is asleep so that they don’t lick it off.

  • Yucca (Food) – Aids digestive health and when combined the Alfalfa it helps to reduce the smell of feces and urine.

  • Lavender (Skin) – Best for dogs and can be used as a massage oil or a morning oil to help with stiffness from old age. Can also be used to help repel fleas and ticks.

  • Sage (Skin) – Using a cooled sage infusion can help cats and dogs with ringworm infections. For best results soak your pet in the infusion twice a day.

  • Valerian (Food) – Great for stress relief, anxiety and helps to calm and settle.

  • Fennel (Skin) – Can be used as a very effective and natural method of flea repellant.

  • Aniseed (Skin) – Can be used to help your dog to relax and sleep. Try a combination of aniseed and fennel in your dogs’ bed, underneath blankets, to help to encourage them to sleep and settle. Aniseed is often considered the equivalent of catnip for dogs.

Bethany 🐾 X

Tail Talk

Cat Tail Language: What Your Cat's Tail Is Telling You

Cat’s tails are not purely for balance, when tightrope walking, or for getting shut in doors, they are used as a communication tool and can also tell us so much. Tail movements on the other hand are involuntary and controlled by the cat’s nervous system, but they are also a great indicator of how your cat really feels!

 Along with sound and body language, cats tails are their main means of communication, so if you want to understand your cat better, please keep reading.

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High Tail

This is a good sign; it means she is happy to see you and is relaxed and friendly. An even better sign is if her tail is curved at the tip slightly and is leaning towards you, this mean that not only is she super happy to see you but she is also openly showing that she wants to interact.

An exemption to this rule is the iconic Halloween Cat tail which sticks up straight and rigid and looks like It has been electrocuted along with fur along the spine. This reflex is meant to make her look bigger and menacing than she is and is used in play but also in a fight.

Low Tail

This is her tail in a neutral state. Meaning that she is calm and relaxed but is in poised state of caution. Interaction when your cat is like this will probably be dogged or fended off.

A super low tail, on the other hand, one that is dragging on the ground is very negative, it might also be tucked between her legs. This means that she isn’t very happy at all, feeling frightened and defensive. You might notice this body language if you have just moved into a new house with a cat. Body low to the floor, tail tucked, and legs bent as they crawl around the house. A natural survival instinct, cats hate change and disturbance.

Curled Tail AKA ‘The Neat Girl’

You will all recognise this poise, a picture-perfect position which makes your cat look like a cat model. It might look like it, but it isn’t a good sign. This is your cat telling you that she wants to be left alone. She is happy observing her environment and doesn’t want to be touched.

Horseshoe Tail

Most notably this tail only really makes an appearence during the dreaded ‘zoomies’, and this is a sign that your cat is feeling extra feisty and you should watch out.

However, is you have a Bengal this is will be daily occurrence!!

Flicking Tail

A soft wave back and forth is a sign of a happy and relaxed cat, she usually be seen flicking her tail around when lounging in the sun. If only the tip is moving, then this is a sign that she is intrigued and focused on something, usually out of the window.

Thrashing Tail

An aggressive thrashing tail also sometimes accompanied by a thumping sound on the floor or sofa means that all is not well. This is your cat warning you that she isn’t happy and whatever you are doing you should stop as soon as possible!

Vibrating Tail

When your cat comes to see you with their tail sticking straight up in the air and with subtle vibration this means you have an extremely happy cat and she is anticipating something amazing, you better live up to expectations!

Tail Brush

When you cat gently caresses you with their tail this will never be an accident, she is showing you affection in her own fluffy way.

That’s it, really hope you all found that interesting and will find it easier to communicate with your fur babies in the future.

Bethany 🐾X

Insect-Based Pet Food

Can Humans Eat Dog Food?

Humans as well as pets have been consuming insects for many years. A natural part of diet that just happens to have disappeared from western culture.

Innovations in pet food are centred around Health and Wellness and what could be better than providing your pet with a well-balanced and complete meal full of protein, fats, fatty acids and vitamins and minerals that are easily digestible, allergen-free and gentle on the planet too?

We understand that many people are sceptical about eating insects, but you only need to browse on google the benefits of edible insects to see that they stand head and shoulders above meat.

Environmental impact paired with sustainability issues means that meat farming is destroying our planet and while eating insects won’t be entirely the answer it will help a great deal.

And did you know that as natural scavenger’s cats and dogs actually eat insects for fun?


What are our favourite insect-based pet food brands?


Jiminy is a insects-based dog brand offering complete food as well as treats based on cricket powder paired with plant ingredients.


Jiminy's Peanut Butter & Blueberry Cricket Dog Treat – Really Good Pets Shop


Yora also offers complete dog food and treats with a natural and sustainable promise based on Black Soldier Fly Larvae. You can choose specifically for small and large breed dogs as well as puppy and senior options.


The most sustainable dog food in the World, made in the UK


Lovebug offers complete and easily digestible cat food kibble based on Black Soldier Fly Larvae meal, notionally complete and to top it all off it also comes in fully recyclable plastic-free packaging


Mars launches insect-based cat-food - Just Food


Tomojo is our number 1 for taste a variety. Offering both cat and dog food which are grain-free and packed in compostable packaging for the win!



Bethany🐾 X

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